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Thoughts & Inspiration

Trip Arrival!!

Dear Amazing World-Changers, Can you believe the time has finally come to leave? This is going to be absolutely incredible Summer semester and I’m so excited to hear all of your stories! This is a lengthy email but I need…

Flight Details to Guatemala

Hey Guatemala Team,   I’ve received your flight information for your trip to Guatemala! Below is your itinerary for your and your parents’ records. You will be leaving for Guatemala after 4 days of training camp in Georgia. For the…

Packing List

There is a general packing list that can be found in your Profile by going to Mobilization Info tab and then to the preparation section. In addition to those items, you should also bring:  Rain Jacket/Boots (Can be bought locally for…

Travel To Camp

Hey guys!   Before you leave for your countries, you will spend a few days going through training! Training Camp begins the first day that your trip is scheduled. You are responsible to cover the cost of your travel to…


Say "CHEESE"! We are excited that you are going to embark on this journey! And we can't wait to meet you! But one thing that helps us remember you and know you better before you arrive is to have a picture of…

Support & Donors

Let me explain now how you can get the most out of your donation. 1) Credit Card Donors. Our society loves the quick and efficient. Most donors will appreciate being able to click a simple link, put in their info, and…